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Global-mindshift a remarkable collection of resources. If you only have a few minutes, then visit watch and listen to this clip, Reflections from Space. Please share it with others. 1/10000 of a second is also powerful.


A summary of everything you had not yet thought about. Ted is an event like no other. It brings together more than 1,000 thought-leaders, movers and shakers. The unique breadth of content and the quality of people that deliver it, is what makes Ted unique. You can access this content through the TEDtalks,perhaps the TEDtalkstrailer will wet your whistle of curiosity. A couple of my favourites.

Why do people succeed? Richard St. John
A case for creating an education system that nurtures creativity. Sir Ken Robinson

John Goddard

At the age of fifteen John Goddard listed 127 goals he wished to experience or achieve in his lifetime. The list is impressive and audacious, but the results have been truly incredible.


Diagnosed at age 38 with a LEMON-sized brain tumor that was widely considered inoperable, David Welch has documented his journey since then, from a patient’s perspective. 38LEMON is not a medical website. Rather, this is one patient’s entire experience with brain cancer, from December 2004 to today.

Rick Hansen

‘Don’t look down the road you might scare yourself. Just wheel one section at a time, three hours or 23 miles per session, three sessions per day. Don’t think about 24,901 miles just think about 23 and keep yourself going.’ Rick Hansen

Rick Hansen ‘Man in Motion.’ The plan was to take 19 months and wheel himself 40,000 km around the world, approximately 113km a day. 26-months later, 34 countries on four continents Rick returned to Vancouver’s BC Place Stadium to cheering crowds of thousands after raising $26 million for spinal cord research and quality of life initiatives. ‘Any barrier can be overcome.’ Read more at the Rick Hansen Foundation and definitely watch the ‘Man in Motion’ video.

Dean Karnazes

On his 30th birthday, while drunk, Dean Karnazes found that he was disgusted with the corporate rat race he found himself ‘running’ in. He walked back to his house, found a pair of old sneaks on his back porch, stripped down to only his t-shirt and underwear, laced up, and started running. He sobered up about 15 miles from his home – but decided to keep on running. After 30 miles, he had a realization: There were untapped reservoirs within him. Some people find inspiration in desperate situations. The thing is though, it is up to you and you alone to make the first move toward change. Will this be your moment? Make yourself your own hero.

Dean Karnazes is his own hero. Inspired by himself he has gone onto accomplish feats of endurance, pushing himself to reach one extreme goal after another. He’s run 350 continuous miles, not sleeping for 3 nights straight. He’s run across Death Valley in 126 degree heat and he’s run a marathon to the South Pole in negative 40 degrees. On 7 different occasions, he’s run a 200-mile relay race ALONE, racing alongside teams of 12. Age 44, he completed 50 marathons in 50 consecutive days, one in each of the 50 states.

Marathon Monks

In Mount Hiei of Japan, there can be found a small group of monks who live in a monastery and attempt to accomplish a remarkable physical feat of endurance in the search for enlightenment. Find out more.

Kakudo puts a pair of handmade straw sandals on his bare feet, and carries a couple of spare pairs. He also carries a straw raincoat and paper lantern. This will be only the first of 100 successive nights that he will get up at midnight, attend the service and start his marathon run/walk (kaihogyo) around Mount Hiei, completing the route between 7:30 and 9:30 a.m. He will then attend an hour-long service, followed by bathing and the midday meal. After lunch, Kakudo will rest, then attend to temple chores. The last meal is taken around 6 p.m., and Kakudo gets to sleep around 8 or 9. The only variation in the 100 day ordeal will be a special 33-mile run through Kyoto, robbing him of one night’s sleep altogether.

If successful, an option for the gyoja who passes the 100 day test, is the opportunity to completed a 1000 day journey, an ordeal that covers 27,000 miles, a distance greater than the circumference of the earth. Since 1885, 46 marathon monks have reached enlightenment. Watch the documentary extract here.

Team Hoyt

Dick and Rick Hoyt are a father-and-son marathon, triathlon and ironman team from Massachusetts, a rather extraordinary team at that. Rick was born with cerebral palsy and to compete in the races Dick carries him in a special seat up front as they bike, pulls him in a special boat as they swim, and pushes him in a special wheelchair as they run. You can read more about ‘Team Hoyt’ and watch their incredible commitment to living here.

William Kamkwamba

When he was just 14 years old, Malawian inventor William Kamkwamba built his family an electricity-generating windmill from spare parts, working from rough plans he found in a library book.

2-3 years since I first read about the ‘The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind‘ I am again redirected towards his achievements as he starts his American book tour. It always was a truly inspiring story, 14 years old  Malawian boy builds his family an electricity-generating windmill from spare parts, working from rough plans he found in a library.

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