Using ICT in education

April 22, 2009 § 1 Comment

‘Dont ask how intelligent a child is, ask rather, how is a child intelligent.’

RM Educational Podcasts offer regular educational podcasts of real quality. In the most recent podcast, Dr Anthony Seldon, Master of Wellington College, draws on his experience of school design anddiscusses the positive and negative aspects of using ICT in education. What I enjoyed most was the final ten minutes when he shared his thoughts on the areas of education ‘untouchable’ by ICT.

RSA – Sir Ken Robinson

July 10, 2008 § Leave a comment

I continue to enjoy listening to Sir Ken Robinson speak about the evolution of education every since I first heard his TED talk a few year back. I hope that you will enjoy reflecting on his talk as the recipient of the Ben Franklin Award at the RSA.

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