
January 12, 2008 § Leave a comment

Thursday / FridayI still need to set a routine for the start of my working day, to include;

Staffroom – pigeon hole / cover

Check email

Set the learning environment.

Still no laptop and therefore can not work in my office, distracted by supporting students. Variable teaching environments observed. More student consultations, I anticipate two more weeks of challenging students. Almost every break and lunch half hour is spent meet and explaining to students the new expectations.

Friday, met with Wendy Philips, I need to set a time frame for the school website project.

Meeting students and Mrs Francis – how can ALL students be set appropriate learning targets so that they are engaged? What Level 1 ICT provision is available. Learning Support are keen to be involved. HoD and HoY lists created. Next week, curriculum areas.

Friday, exhausted. Crashed early.


Dealt with emails, contacted Hampshire VLE consultant, set up shared calendars for PE. Cleared paperwork. Postcards – a small project for sunday.

What FLOSS can be utlised in school. JING?

I have yet to win a significant battle, I am bruised, battered but still standing and I am coming back for more. I hope the students are prepared for that.

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